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Detective Agency in Rishikesh

  • Home / Detective Agency in Rishikesh

Tackle Detective Agency has been serving people in Rishikesh, Bima Agencies, organizations, lawyers, government, and so on for the last 12 years on the basis of the private detective agency in many areas. We have a customer reputation as per our performance.

Life is made up of many memorable memories. Occasionally important decisions in commercial and personal matters require us to do background checks for which the Tackle Detective Agency is always ready to render its services in Rishikesh. Tackle Detective Agency in Rishikesh has always been ahead of the private detective’s field.

Rishikesh is located in the Dehradun district of Uttarakhand state. The Himalayan hills, the flowing Ganges River, and the beauty of nature make Rishikesh incomparable. Rishikesh is home to ashrams, where pilgrims visit a large number of ashrams every year for peace of mind. Vashistha Cave, Laxman Jhula and Neelkanth Temple, etc. are the main tourist destination of Rishikesh which attracts the attention of tourists. This place is also the basis for another adventure activity river rafting.


The weather in Rishikesh remains pleasant for the most part of the year.

Matrimonial Detective Agency in Rishikesh

The bonds of marriage come from heaven, we just need to have a better understanding and understanding to fulfill this bond. the Tackle Detective Agency in Rishikesh is serving pre-marriage investigation to make this relationship even better and stronger. With this, you can get to know your partner in a more correct way, as well as you can avoid being a victim of any fraud by this service.


Many times we know that in-laws dowries used to say that they were not just making a show before marriage, in which case the girl is forced to bear this stigma throughout her life. Tackle Detective Agency in Rishikesh is providing Pre Matrimonial Service in Rishikesh to prevent such cases so that you can get to know and understand the history of the family where you are sleeping your daughter as well as the person With whom he has to spend his life.

It is a trusted brand that is committed to maintaining 100 percent of its customers’ privacy.

The team at Tackle Detective Agency in Rishikesh has the skills to understand the case closely and give its real result. With 12 years of experience, we provide special service to every customer in every Chaitra. If you have any problem then contact for a consultation today.

Why the need for post matrimonial investigation

Tackle Detective Agency’s post matrimonial service in Rishikesh is not just finding out the truth but also all the facts with conclusive evidence. Tackle Detective Agency makes possible efforts to save your marriage, whether it is a misunderstanding or a deliberate action taken in infidelity. We monitor every activity of the suspect and also discard delicate information. Our investigation is not only to gather the civilization but also to verify and give that fact to you. So that you do not take any wrong decision. We cover every point of the customer. We provide strong, decisive evidence and photos or videos to our customers.

Why the hell extramarital affairs happen


The beautiful wedding ceremony is based on love, trust and loyalty. But sometimes it ends when someone cheats. Sometimes it can be a misunderstanding or a deliberate action that can damage the relationship to a great extent. Deception cannot be determined until a strong fact is found. Sak’s reasons may be sudden changes in partner behavior, erratic outings and office work, suspicious phone calls and messages, unwillingness to spend quality time, and inappropriate arguments.

Why do surveillance

Surveillance is to keep a check on a person, place, or can be a group. It is done because any person or a group of people can do some false doing which is not to be done as per the guidelines or norms are given by the Government, which could be in a public place.
For example, the Government has placed multiple cameras in public places especially on roads to make sure every citizen is putting a mask as per the situation under pandemic, this could also be done to maintain other rules such as not jumping traffic lights or not wearing a seat belt could be captured on camera with their number plates on any vehicle which helps the traffic police department to fine them by sending the fine charges at the residence directly.
There are specific types of surveillance which could be done by any person or any investigation team to take out the information from or for a specific person and one of the modes which I mentioned in the above example is by checking the camera if the incident got to be under any surveillance camera.

What are the reasons for having divorce

Dissolution of marriage’ is termed as DIVORCE. Divorce is of two types: 1.’Mutually consented divorce’ is filed jointly by husband and wife, under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. The husband and wife decide on maintenance, child custody, property, and investments.
2. ‘Contested divorce’ is filed only by one spouse since the other does not consent, under Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. Lawyers meditate on all these issues and can be obtained on following grounds cruelty, adultery, desertion, conversion, mental disorder, leprosy, venereal disease, renunciation, no resumption of cohabitation, and not heard to be alive. A contested divorce can be time-consuming, unlike mutually consented divorce.

‘Maintenance’ is the amount paid to the wife after divorce for her sustenance and well being, or to make her financially independent. The “working women” are not entitled to claim maintenance as the prerequisite of maintenance is that the person claiming maintenance should NOT have a ‘source of regular income’. The Supreme Court has set a bench of 25% of the husband’s net salary to be paid as alimony to the estranged wife.

Why is a background check important

A background check in Rishikesh is important to you both personally and professionally. Because in today’s time, despite knowing everything, we cannot trust anyone blindly, whether it is a decision in a life or to associate our life with a particular person. A background check helps you to get rid of various problems. Just as we do not buy any goods from the market without any investigation, in the same way, background checks should be done to avoid any kind of fraud in our life.

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